Cyberstall archives: December '99

Baxter Bulletin *!special exam edition!*

"'Ya motha'"

Well looky here, it's exam week, and your beloved author has no exams. Actually, I'm in such a paper-writing groove, that I can't stop spewing forth the words... So lucky you, you get a bulletin -- exam style. This one is the recap issue, dedicated to the fine moments that closed out Baxter for the Millenium. For your convenience, I have included them in a ESPN-type countdown form

The Long Awaited Countdown

P.S. Dick Clark will not appear in this issue...

  1. Gordon Clark steals clothing from a small child and wears it to the "euro jam", causing a near stampede of the female population. Order was restored when Ed DiVito offered to show off his "magic fingers".
  2. Dave Kim's head. No body part had a more profound impact on the semester. Impact is a literal phrase. Whether it was locked in battle with attackers, or simply bloodying my eye, Dave's noggin was announcing its importance.
  3. Varmit Invaders Good year for the Baxter Animal Shelter. Voles, fruit flies, and even bats all tried to get up in what we have.
  4. The IM Hockey War Ned Bair, Mike Schindelar, August Felker and the rest of the Moore Hall troops stormed the fortress of age, but couldn't bring down the ODB.
  5. Kelly Keniston sets the record for most consecutive wrong turns in your own hometown. She got us to the movies, though, and that's all that counts.
  6. Will LoVerme, Nat Waters, and Justin DeGeorge erupt suddenly into a dance party. Baxter 15 rocks like never before, though Lauren Fitch declines to participate, citing the excessive levels of testosterone in the atmosphere.
  7. The Elite Eight show China Rose what a salad course is...
  8. Pat Hultgren and DeGeorge bring Kareoke Jam to tears with their rendition of "You don't bring me flowers (anymore)."
  9. Who am I kidding? DeGeorge at any party is worthy of mention here.
  10. The fourth Floor of Moore learns the secret of Jellyhead... over dinner.
  11. Corrine Pellegrini spits Saltines all over my coffee table to carry her "Saltine Rain" team to scavenger hunt victory.
  12. The Boys frost, bringing new character to the Brittany/Backstreet party ("The best party ever at Baxter before the eurojam") Jack Baby Dempsey's hair is still recovering.
  13. Luke Bulley and Will LoVerme bring food and creative love back to Baxter for the Holiday dinner.
  14. Liz Feeherry plays bully with the telnet, nearly gets sued for libel.
  15. Pre-Halloween " Concussion Party". This is why parents should never buy boxing gloves for their kids.
  16. Six teams brave the Floyd-like weather, and make the Powderpuff a rousing success!
  17. Baxter Launches DeGeorge Beer, a future multi-national powerhouse.

Summary and Conclusion

It's been an awesome semester, and I want to thank anyone who has come over, helped out, or even just said something funny. This house is growing by leaps and bounds, and next semester looks to be a good one as our momentum rolls on. Remember, it takes a village, or something like that, so come on over and say hi. I think of this like making a family, without the sex, or diaper changing and stuff. So... keep the faith, have a great vacation, and come back ready to rock.



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� 1999 by Natty Waters, Sergeant-at-Arms.